Someone's Interested! Now What?

Yay!! Someone's interested in joining your team, but now you don't know what to do next. Don't worry! We've got you covered.
Stay Calm & Relaxed
You're going to be excited and that's okay! Enthusiasm and excitement are Good Things! But, try to stay calm and relaxed while speaking with the interested person. You don't want to be so excited that you forget crucial steps! Also, don't be afraid or embarrassed if you cannot answer all of their questions. Especially if you're new to Carolina Country Bling. There are going to be plenty of answer you don't yet know. That is why you have a sponsor! Never be afraid to say, “I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that. Let me get with my sponsor and I'll have an answer for you first things tomorrow.” That is not only the most professional way to handle the situation, but it also lets you lead know that they, too, will have a support system they can lean on.
Recruiting Packet
If the first contact is in person, you should be prepared to hand him/her an opportunity packet. This is why it's important to have three with you at all times! Give him/her a packet and briefly go over it with them. You don't want to spend an eternity going over the information; it's much easier for them to look at it at their convenience. Set up a time and date for you to get back with them and go over any questions they may have, etc.
If an email or phone contact, you can do a brief interview over the phone and mail out a recruiting packet. Again, make sure to set up a date and time when you can get together to go over everything and answer questions. In both cases, you need to make sure you collect pertinent information from your lead.
Collecting Lead Information
Whether you met them at a party, event, or online, you must collect pertinent information from any interested person. Use the Recruit Lead Sheet to keep this information organized. You need to make sure you have their name and phone number as well as mailing information. Also verify that this person is over the age of 18. Ask them about their current job; is it a full time job? Is it a party plan or direct sales? Make sure that there is not a conflict of interest. Keep all of this information handy on the lead sheet. Also keep records of your initial contact date, any meetings, anything you've mailed out, phone calls, emails, etc. All of this information is important so that you are always aware of what's going on with your leads.
Contact Your Sponsor
You're given out a recruiting packet and filled out your lead sheet, now what? Call your sponsor or send the a message. She/He will be excited to hear about your possible recruit and can guide you thorough the first steps. Consider setting up a meeting with your potential recruit, your sponsor, and yourself. Your sponsor should sit back and only assist when necessary. This is an excellent training class as well.
First Follow Up
Consider a three-way call or even a video call with your sponsor if this is your first time. The first phone call/ video call should be to go over the recruiting packet. Let your recruit ask the majority of questions. Don't feel like you have to blurt out all the great things about Carolina Country Bling. Guide the conversation with questions such as, “Did you take a look at our website? If so, what did you think?” or “Do you have any questions regarding anything you've read in your packet?” Let him/her answer the questions and continue to let them ask more questions, if needed. Again, if you don't know an answer, let them know you will get the answer, or allow your sponsor to chime in.
The goal of this call is to establish whether or not they are seriously interested in joining the business. Towards the conclusion of the call, if appropriate, you should invite him or her to join in on one of your shows or events. If the answer is no, accept that and ask if you can call them again in six months. Most time, they will give you a yes answer, opening the door for the future. Again, keep track of everything on your lead sheet.