Poaching and/or Harassment

Poaching and/or harassment will not be tolerated!!!
What is poaching?
Poaching is when you purposely go on someone lives, page, profile or group and/or friend request their customers, message their customers, offer their customers discounts, etc.
This also includes making comments like ‘I’m a affiliate/consultant too.’ Or ‘I have that piece too if you need it’. If the affiliate/consultant acknowledges that you are a affiliate/consultant or part of their team, that’s on them. But please don’t purposely make that announcement yourself.
What is harassment?
Harassment is when you attack another affiliate with harsh words, put them down, put their company down, etc. No one likes a bully, so please don’t do this.
We are here to build one another UP!, not tear each other down. Be the reason someone smiles today! And if you see someone doing any of these things to another affiliate/consultant, stand up for that affiliate/consultant and be the change.
If any CCB Affiliate is found to be poaching or harassing, Carolina Country Bling has the right to cancel their account.