Party Links

Carolina Country Bling gives you the option to have online parties for your customers. We go over a few different ways to conduct parties on our 'It's Show Time' section. Feel free to review this section at your convenance.
When your customer host a party with you they are called 'Hostess' or 'Host'. We do have a few rules that you will need to follow when doing an online party. Let's go over those first.
Rules About Parties
- Affiliates are not allowed to create a party for themself, or other affiliates.
- Affiliates are not allowed to order on a Hostess party.
- Hostess must use rewards within 1 week of closing party.
- Hostess can not use their rewards order towards another party.
- Affiliates do not earn commission on Hostess order because of Hostess rewards.
- Affiliates are not allowed to pay for Hostess order.
- Hostess and Affiliate can not have the same shipping address.
Hostess Rewards
Now that we've covered the rules about parties, let's go over what your host or hostess will earn.
- 10% of their party sales in Free Spending
- Free Gifts from CCB when their party reaches $150 or more

Your hostess will receive an email at the parties end with a code to enter at checkout to use their rewards. Free gifts, if earned, will be added to their order. Your hostess is responsible for any sales tax and shipping cost. Remind hostess that they only have 1 week (7 days) to use their hostess reward code to cash in on their rewards earned. After the 1 week (7 days) their code will become invalid.
Setting Up Party Links
Now that you know the basics of the rules and what your hostess will earn, let's cover how to set up your party links for your hostess to get their party started.