Monthly Income & Expense Form

To help you keep track of your monthly income and expenses, we've put together a form that you may download and use. This comes in handy at the end of the year when taxes are due. Download Form Here


Monthly Income and Expense Form


Month: ________________ Year: ______________________


Profit From Shows $ ______________________


Profit From Retail Sales $ ______________________


Profit From Team Commissions $ ______________________


Misc. Profit $ ______________________




Mileage expense (___________ miles X _________ cents/mile) $ ______________________


Discounts / Gifts / Giveaways $ ______________________


Postage $ ______________________


Shipping (UPS, USPS, Fedex, Etc.) $ ______________________


Business Supplies $ ______________________


Business Meals $ ______________________


Lodging $ ______________________


Meeting and Convention Costs $ ______________________


Phone Expenses $ ______________________


Office Equipment $ ______________________


Business Gifts $ ______________________


Copying Expense $ ______________________


Bank Charges $ ______________________


Misc. Expenses $ ______________________


Access Fees / Websites $ ______________________


Total $ _______________________


Make sure to ask your Tax Advisor about taking the 'Use of Office in the Home' expense if you have a personal office. These are only examples; please speak with your tax advisor for more details.

All Carolina Country Bling printed materials and online materials are copyrighted and the rights have been purchased for company use only. Any use of the Carolina Country Bling logo, or other images containing the CCB logo are only to be used by Carolina Country Bling unless approved by home office. Any unauthorized use of the materials appearing on this site may violate copyright, trademark and other applicable laws and could result in criminal or civil penalties. If you should have any questions about this policy please email home office at