Monthly Income & Expense Form

To help you keep track of your monthly income and expenses, we've put together a form that you may download and use. This comes in handy at the end of the year when taxes are due. Download Form Here
Monthly Income and Expense Form
Month: ________________ Year: ______________________
Profit From Shows $ ______________________
Profit From Retail Sales $ ______________________
Profit From Team Commissions $ ______________________
Misc. Profit $ ______________________
Mileage expense (___________ miles X _________ cents/mile) $ ______________________
Discounts / Gifts / Giveaways $ ______________________
Postage $ ______________________
Shipping (UPS, USPS, Fedex, Etc.) $ ______________________
Business Supplies $ ______________________
Business Meals $ ______________________
Lodging $ ______________________
Meeting and Convention Costs $ ______________________
Phone Expenses $ ______________________
Office Equipment $ ______________________
Business Gifts $ ______________________
Copying Expense $ ______________________
Bank Charges $ ______________________
Misc. Expenses $ ______________________
Access Fees / Websites $ ______________________
Total $ _______________________
Make sure to ask your Tax Advisor about taking the 'Use of Office in the Home' expense if you have a personal office. These are only examples; please speak with your tax advisor for more details.