Luck of the Draw

This game can be played as an ice breaker game or an intermission game. The choice is completely up to you. Now let’s learn how to play…
Supplies Needed
- 2 Decks of Playing Cards
- Prizes
How to Play
You will need a deck of playing cards. Evenly distribute 1 deck of playing cards to your guest. Do Not use the Joker cards. Have 3 prizes available.
One by one call out a card from you deck (i.e. King of Hearts). There will be one quest that has that card. Take the card from them and give them each a prize.
After you call the first three cards and all the prizes are out then proceed and collect the rest of the deck. As you call each card let the person who has that card take a prize from someone who already has a prize. The prizes end up flying across the room and back and forth until you get through the deck of cards. Only then do the people who end up with the prizes get to keep them.
Have them open their prizes one by one. Try to use products from our line to also introduce them to more products! This is a great game and creates a lot of laughter because usually one or two prizes seem to be the most popular and they keep stealing it from each other!