Live Show Games

Here are a few games you can play during your live shows, making it fun and keeps people interacting, this also helps with algorithms.

📌 BLINGO – you choose how many pcs you going to show let’s say 50 pcs you will use numbers 1-50 to identify the pieces, but you must mix them up don’t go in order. Customers have to choose 5 numbers between 1-50 and every time a number they chose is shown, cross that number out. Once all 5 of their numbers are called out they must write BLINGO.

Tip: don’t repeat numbers so they must be present during the entire live.

📌 SCRAMBLE – write down a word all scramble up and the first person to comment the correct word spell correctly wins. Example: Necklace – klNeeacc

📌 CRAZY 8 – every time you show a piece and you use a number that has a 8 they must comment Crazy 8 to win

📌 FAMILY FEUD – you can purchase this game at Walmart, Target or print from online – you ask a question and the first person to give you the top answer wins


📌 CRAZY WORD – have a crazy word set a timer and every time the timer goes off they must type the crazy word. Example: crazy word could be “cows”. When times goes off they have to comment Cows.

📌 WHAT’S IN THE ???? – you can use what ever you want a bag/ box/ sock put an item inside and they must guess what it is.

📌 NAME THAT TUNE – this one can mute your live so be careful – play a song for just a few seconds and the person that writes the correct title of song wins

You don’t have to play daily, you can tweak them and you can choose however many winners you want, remember it’s your business

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