Let's Get Rolling

This is a great game to play on your Live shows. Now, let's learn how to play...
Supplies Needed
- Large Fuzzy Dice (from any auto supply store or Wal-Mart)
- Prizes
- Pen and Paper
How to Play
Once you have your large fuzzy dice you’ll ask if anyone likes to gamble. Let everyone know there is the possibility of scheduling a show or joining your team, if they are not interested, don’t play, but they could win a free prize too. Have everyone interested in playing comment “Let's Roll”. Write down each customers name in the order they commented. Start with the first name and roll the dice to see what they've won. Refer to the list you have made up and that is what they win.
Roll a 2 – Win a free necklace
Roll a 5 – Book a Party
Roll a 9 – Win a pair of earrings
Roll a 12 – Join My Team
Roll a 2 to receive 20% off 1 item
Roll a 3 or 7 receive a free necklace when you host a party
Roll a 4, 6, 8, or 10 to earn free pair of earrings
Roll a 5 or 9 Join my team
Roll an 11 or 12 to receive free shipping on your order tonight
You’ll want to make this list and/or print it out. Make sure to go over the list before each roll of the dice so your customer knows the rules of the game.