Learning Your Back Office

Let's go over a few things you need to know about your back office and where to find them. This section will be lengthy, so take your time and go at your own pace. Feel free to revisit this section at any time. We have broken your back office down into sections. Be sure to visit each one to learn more about that section. Let's get started.
Logging into your back office can be done at http://affiliate.carolinabling.com/login You will use the email address and password that you joined with.Â

W-9 Information - IMPORTANT
Once logged in, if you haven't done so already, please click on the 'Settings' tab and scroll down and fill out your W-9 Form. We will need this information to send you a 1099 at the end of the year for tax purposes. To receive a 1099 you'll need to earn $600 or more within that calendar year. This must be filed out before any commission payments are made to you from CCB.Â

The first page you come to when you login to your back office is the Home tab. Here you will find your retail commission rate, your referral link to send customers, Home Office notes, order information and more.
This tab is PACKED FULL of great information. Be prepared because this one may take some time to go through. It contains things like generating a direct like to products, images to use to promote, and even a way to show specific products. Let's go over this tab now.
Having hostess host a party with you is a great way to get your name out there as well as making those extra sells. Now let's go over how to create a party link, the rules about parties, etc.
If you decide to recruit and grow a team, you'll spend some time on this tab in your back office. Here you'll find information on who is on your 3 levels of your team, team volume, who your team leaders are, etc.
When you earn commission you will find all of that information here. Let's go over what to look for and what it means.

Carolina Country Bling tries to have a promotion or sale of some sort every month. Sometimes we offer a contest to our affiliates. Anytime we do things like this, you'll find them under this tab in your back office.
Every month we honor those who reach certain goals. These goals are Ranks within the comp plan, Top Seller, Top Recruiter and more. Take a peek at who our Rock Stars are and send them a Congratulations!

Here you will find other resources that we use with Carolina Country Bling. Things like the link to our Facebook Affiliate group, or other outside links to information that we think you would like or use.
Here you'll find where to update your personal information, add your photo, submit your W9 form, etc. Make sure to add a photo of yourself, we use them when we send reward certificates and make company announcements.
These are wonderful training videos that we've made to help you and your business. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us and let us know. You will also find these within this training website within the pages that corresponds with the video. Take a peek here….