Engagement Questions

Use these TOP Engagement Questions to help boost your algorithm. These work well with the Power Hour to really give your business a boost.
1) Who's the first famous cook that pops in your head?
2) Who communicates better: men or women?
3) What is your life long dream?
4) If you had a bumper sticker on your car, what would it say?
5) What moment in your life do you wish everyone could experience?
6) Couch, love seat, or rocking chair?
7) Fill in the Blank:
"If my house was on fire, 3 things I would have to grab are _______________”
8) This is a really simple and fun game. You will given 2 choices. Pick the one that best fits you, then add your own question for the next person to answer. Question: Coffee or tea?
9) Pick one! Laptop or tablet?
10) What's the best way to read a book: audio, kindle or hard copy?
11) What books are you looking forward to reading this summer?
12) What's your all-time favorite cartoon?
13) Which toy or product from your childhood would you resurrect?
14) What's your best 'knock-knock' joke?
15) House or apartment? Own or rent?
16) If you had an extra hour every day what would you do with it?
17) What is your favorite landmark?
18) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
19) What movie can you watch again and again and never get sick of?
20) If you could choose three aspects of your culture to put in a "time box" for the future, what would you put in it?
21) What's the one thing you've wanted to do for years, but haven't gotten around to yet?
22) _________________ always puts a smile on my face.
23) What do you think Earth will be like in 100 years?
24) The one word that best describes my family is _______________.
24) What's the funnest activity that doesn't cost anything?
25) What would be your first purchase if you were given 1 Million Dollars?