Cinderella Challenge

Want a cool challenge without spending a dime?? Commission in your pocket! 💰


Pick 15 girlfriends…. The ladies must know you, know that you sell jewelry or have purchased from you before.

​Then message this to her…. (Do it preferably in the morning)

➡️ “Hey girl!” I’ve been challenged to get 5 orders tonight…. But just until midnight!! Would you be willing to take a peek at my Jewelry store super quick and consider helping me by placing a $15 order? That’s it!! If so, just holler and I’ll send you the link to my website.

When she writes you back that she is willing to help you.. THEN send her this:

➡️ “OMG! Thank you, thank you!! Here is the link, I’ll check back in with you later tonight! You Rock!”

You can find your shopping link to send your customers under the “Home” tab in your back office.

🥰 Fairy Godmother tips…

1. When you’re choosing who to message, be sure you can answer ‘yes’ to at least one of these questions.
A. Do I know this person well?
B. Does she know what I sell?
C. Has she ordered from me before?
D. Will she be on Facebook tonight?

2. Don’t be tempted in that first message to send your link. Get her response that she’s willing to help you before you throw the link at her. Your message will be received better.

😊 Now get out there and Shine Ladybugs, SHINE!! ⭐

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